13. USA : Domestic Challenges Overview 50s-90s



Mise-à-jour le 25 March 2024, 3 minutes de lecture

USA : Domestic Challenges Overview 50s-90s


  • Jim Crow Laws in the South : Segregated facilities, poll taxes and literacy tests
  • CORE - congress of racial equality is extablished

African Americans Struggle for civil rights

  • Personal Courage : Emmett Till

Direct Non-Violent Action

  • Rosa Park : Refuses to give up her seat : Montgomery bus boycott
  • NAACP elects Martin Luther King Jr. Cripples the local economy
  • SCLC

Sit-Ins by the SNCC student NonViolent Coordinating Committee (SNIK)

  • College students received nonviolence training
  • Students sat at whites only lunch counters and refused to leave
  • When they were arrested, others would take their place
  • They faced violence by white patrons
  • Extreme reactions such as using fire hoses against them, or police dogs

Brown V Board of Education (1954)

  • NAACP Lawyer, Thurgood Marshall and future SCOTUS Chief Justice
  • One Strategy was to use the federal court system

March on Washington and the Civil Rights Act of 1964

  • March on Washington - 08/1963 for jobs and freedom; a push for civil rights legislation
    • 150 000 people on the mall

Freedom Summer 1964 and the voting Rights Act of 1965

  • Freedom Summer : SCLC, SNCC, CORE, & the NAACP worked to register voters in Mississippi
  • Southern white supremacists were violent & murdered activists
  • A protest march from Selma to Montgomery was met by state troopers with tear gas and beatings.
    • “Bloody Sunday”
  • Filmed & Televised

Changing tactics and challenges to nonviolence

  • Black Power : Stokely Carmichael SNCC leader

Focus on Vietnam

  • MLK pivoted to poverty and the Vietnam war; “millions of dollars can be spent every day to hold troops in South Vietnam and our country cannot protect the rights of Negros”

Turmoil in 1968

  • Tet offensice : Vietnamese launch the attack; creates the credibility gap for Johnson
  • MLK was assacinated
  • Presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy was assassinated
  • Democratic convention in Chicago : Vietnam War protests, police brutality
  • Richard Nixon won the presidency

Kent State - May 1970

  • Students were protesting the expansion of the war into Cambodia
  • Protests escalated and the National Guard was called in order to establish peace

Women Call for expanded civil rights

  • 1950s Cult of domesticity
  • Betty Friedan wrote __The Feminine Mystique__ 1963 women are unhappy and have more potential
  • National Organization for Women (NOW) organized like the NAACP
  • Equal Pay Act 1963 aimed at stopping discrimination based on sex
  • Title IX 1972 prohibits sex-based discrimination in education that receives public funds
  • Equal Rights Amendment ERA defeated by STOP ERA led by Phyllis Schlaflyn

Birth Control & Reproductive Rights

  • 1960 : FDA approves the birth control pill


Aids & direct action

  • AIDS in the US in the 1980s
  • 1000 000 people died in the US of AIDS in the 1980s
  • ACT UP : AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power : direct nonviolent political action to fight for resources for AIDS treatment


  • Requires work to organize a group
  • Use of nonviolent direct action
  • Pressure on the government to take legislative action
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