18. Cooperation and tensions in globalization accross borders. The USA



Mise-à-jour le 25 March 2024, 6 minutes de lecture

Cooperation and tensions in globalization accross borders. The USA

Table of content

Why borders ?

  • They define the area of a state
  • Impose regulations
  • Regulate flows
  • They issue of the borders is sovereignty
    • They want to control flows of people, goods, capital
  • They are a source of tension
  • Defence
  • Preserving culture
  • How open should borders be ?
    • We want to trade with other countries


  • Increasing flows in the golden period of globalization (1980 - 2008)
  • Economic cost
  • Issues with illegal migration
  • Political cost/tensions
  • Environmental cost

Cooperation, Tension, Barriers

Global cooperation

  • International organisations
    • Ex : UN, WTO, IMF, World Bank
  • Signatories to international treaties
  • International AID
  • Trading blocs
    • Ex : EU, NAFTA

Keywords :

  • Cooperation
  • Participation in international organisations
  • Signatories to international treaties
  • International AID
  • Trading blocs
  • Immigration
  • Military alliances, sharing of security information
  • SDG 17 : Sharing of technology
  • Diffusion of wealth from core to periphery
  • Internet access

Global scale, flows of goods

  • Cooperation
  • WTO promoting free trade
    • Free trade
    • Trying to get rid of tariffs
  • Trading blocks (USMCA)
  • Free trade agreements
  • TNCs and Global Supply Networds
  • Offshoring, outsourcing, acquisitions and joint ventures

  • Tension
  • Protectionism
  • Tariffs for imports, subsidies for home production
  • Trade wars
  • Quotas
  • Sanctions
  • Reshoring by TNCs
    • Bringing back production to the home country
    • Ex : Apple
  • Nationalisation of companies
  • Regional impact on jobs

Supply chain issues leading to more flexible less complex regional production networks

  • Disruptions
  • 2008 Financial crisis
  • US China Trade war
  • Covid-19
  • Pandemic travel restrictions
  • Climate change carbon targets
  • Political disruptions (Maritime choke points, Suez canal, Panama canal, Strait of Hormuz)

Barriers to trade

  1. To protect domestic jobs
  2. To improve a trade deficit
  3. To protect “infant industries”
  4. Protection from “dumping”
  5. To earn more revenues

Global MNOs and International Cooperation

  • WTO (Goods)
  • IMF (Capital)
  • NATO (Defence)
  • COP Agreements (Environment)
  • USMCA (Economic)
    • Came out of NAFTA
    • US, Mexico, Canada
    • Free trade agreement
    • 1994
    • 2018 : Trump renegotiated it
  • EU (Political and economic union)

Impact of USMCA changes for NAFTA

  • Supporting Mexican workers’ employment rights with greater sue of collective bargaining to increase Mexican wages
  • By 2023, around 40-45% of car parts must be made by workers earning at least $16 per hour
  • 75% of car parts must be made in North America
  • 70% of steel and aluminium must be sourced from North America

Regional Borders

  • Goods
    • Trade increasing within N America due to simpler more flexible supply networks to reduce risk. Also USMCA and free trade contrasted with US China trade war
  • People
    • Need to control flow of people, Political, key election issue
    • USMCA and NAFTA
  • Information
    • Technology such as biometric passports, fingerprinting, face recognition technology, drones for surveillance
  • Capital
    • Issues with money laundering, tax evasion, corruption
    • Remittances from Mexican workers in USA to Mexico

Capital flows, Remittances

  • A lot of money is sent back to Mexico
  • 2019 : $36 billion
  • 2020 : $40 billion

Flows of people


  • International Migration
  • Waevs of immigration throughout US History Push/pull factors
  • Low income jobs filled
  • Changing ethnic demographics
  • Regional migration (Periphery to core)
  • Regional and city variations
  • Diasporas
  • Cultural hybridity (37% NY workers are foreigners)


  • Digital divide between urban and rural areas
  • Differences in regional connection speeds
  • Tensions between countries over data protection

Regional flows in North America

  • Cooperation
    • USMCA
    • NAFTA
  • Tensions
    • US China trade war

Flows at the borders

  • The flows of people at the mexican border is higher than the canadian border
  • The flows of goods at the canadian border is higher than the mexican border

Maquiladora development in Mexico

  • Factories that are foreign owned byt employ local labour
  • Many US companies have low cost assembly plants in Mexico
  • Since 1989, more than 1 million jobs have been created

Case example Fender

  • Offshoring from US to Mexico began in 1980
  • Accelerated after 1994 and NAFTA
  • As US could import materials tarrif free
  • Low cost assembly lines, low wages
  • Could compete with Asian imports

Local flows of goods from Mexico to USA

  • 80% of Mexican exports go to USA
  • 50% of Mexican imports come from USA
  • 2019 : $614 billion of trade

Issues with illegal flows

Illegal migration

  • The flow of illegal border crosser goes in both directions
    • Since around the time Donald Trump was elected, the number of illegal border crossers has been increasing

Global cooperation tensions and barriers, power of the USA

Political persuasion

  • Participation in global organisations, WHO
  • Cooperation on Green energy and climate change
  • Capital flows, international AID, FDI, and remittances
  • The SDGs and global partnerships
  • Global brands and globalization
  • Language, media, education

Hard Power

  • Military power, NATO
  • Sanctions
  • Tariffs
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