4. Introduction to glablization



Mise-à-jour le 25 March 2024, 3 minutes de lecture

4. Introduction to glablization

Key questions :

  • What are the global flows and why did they accelerate ?
  • How and why has globalisation changed ?
  • The impact of global flows on Power

Globalization implies

  • Increased mobility and integration of goods, services, labor, technology, and capital throughout the world
  • TIme space convergence
  • A reduction of the friction of distance
  • Intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole

Definition of Globalization The process of creating networks of connections among actors at multi-continental distances, mediated through a variety of flows incluting :

  • People, migration, tourism
  • Information and ideas
  • Capital
  • Goods and services


  • Improved transport (faster, cheaper, more accessible)
  • Containerisation (standard size, shipping, rail and road transfer easier and cheaper)
    • High speed trains
    • Mixing transport methods allows goods to be transported cheaper and faster
  • Improved technology (internet, mobile phones, information accessability)
  • Improved mobility of capital
  • Reduction in trade barriers, tarrifs
  • Regional economic blocks
    • Ex : European Union
  • Multi National companies increase
    • TNCs that have their headquarter in a country, and production in another
  • Increased mobility of labour

Flows of people

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Capital Flows

  • Foreign DIrect Investment (FDI)
  • Remittances (Flows of money from foreign workers back to their home country)
  • Aid and debt repayment

Limitations and Barriers

Factors which lead to slowing globalization

  • Financial Crisis 2008. Showed fragility and Risk in global system
  • Trade wars (Eg USA China)
  • Pandemic. Risks to supply chain
  • War. Ukraine. Sanctions.
  • Security risks. Fraud, hacking, malware
  • Environment. Climate change
  • Rising nationalism
  • Demographics. Ageing populations

Main actors in globalisation

  • Muti national companies and Trans-National Companies
  • MNOs
    • Ex : EU, OPEC, G20
  • Financial institutions:
    • World bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF
  • World Trade Organisation (WTO)
  • Non Government Organizations (NGOs)
    • Civil Society
    • Ex: WWF

Impacts of globalisation

Economic Environmental Cultural / Social Political
Increasing affluence. Growing inequality Is globalisation compatible with sustainable development ? Does Globalisation imply cultural homogenisation ? Does globalisation limit the state capacity to control its power ? Sovereignty, nationalism ?

Measuring Globalisation

KOF Index of Globalisation

  • The most globalised countries are European countries because they are small

Globalisation and Power

  • Hard power / Sharp power
    • Manipulation
  • Military action or threat
  • Economic sanctions
  • Trade and aid policy
  • Soft power
  • Cultural influence
  • International decision maling and leadership
  • Moral and ethical authority
  • Smart power ?
    • Combination of hard power and soft power
  • Superpower. Which criteria define a superpower ?


  • 5% of the worlds population but 33% of personal wealth
  • 25% of global 500 companies
  • Influence in MNOs
    • Eg : All World Bank Presidents have been US citizens
  • Americanisation of culture
  • Intervention in the affairs of 50 states since 1945 ?


  • Since 1978, Deng Xiaoping, “Open door” reforms.
    • Half a billion people escaped poverty
  • Worlds largest economy
  • FDI from China and its TNCs
  • Predicted to total 1.25 Trillion dollars from 2015 - 2025
  • Belt and Road initiative. Global infrastructure project since 2013
  • Less cultural power ?
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