

Mise-à-jour le 25 March 2024, 8 minutes de lecture

Mock oral

To what extent did the Vietnam war impact the US :<;?

The Vietnam War left a deep and lasting impact on the United States, felt across society, politics, and even the American psyche. The war’s repercussions continue to shape American culture, foreign policy, and military strategy. Let’s explore the extent to which the Vietnam War impacted the United States in these key areas.

I. Human impact and social unrest:


  • Over 58,000 American soldiers died in the conflict
  • Countless wounded and veterans carrying physical and mental scars

Social unrest

  • The war fueled a strong anti-war movement
  • Protests erupting nationwide
  • The draft became a point of contention
  • Leading to draft dodging and social tensions

II. Political and Military Impact:

Loss and Humiliation:

  • The US suffered its first ever defeat in a war, with the fall of Saigon in 1975 marking a national humiliation.
  • This shaped American foreign policy for decades, with a strong aversion to large-scale interventions
  • The war also led to a reevaluation of military strategy and tactics
  • The US military faced criticism for its conduct and treatment of soldiers, leading to reforms and changes in military culture
    • The war was a guerilla war
    • The US military was not prepared for this kind of war
  • The war also led to a reevaluation of military strategy and tactics

Distrust in Government:

  • The war exposed a “credibility gap” between the government’s narrative and the war’s realities, leading to a lasting cynicism towards authority figures
  • The Watergate scandal further eroded public trust in the government
    • Nixon’s administration
    • The break-in of the democratic party’s headquarters
    • Nixon tried to cover it up
    • Led to his resignation
    • The public opinion of the government was at an all-time low
    • The war was a major factor in this distrust
  • The War Powers Act of 1973 was a direct response to the Vietnam War, limiting the president’s ability to commit troops without congressional approval

III. Social and Cultural Impact:

Civil Rights Movement:

  • The war diverted resources and attention away from the Civil Rights Movement, although the war experience also radicalized some African American soldiers
  • The war also highlighted racial and class disparities in the draft and military service
  • The war’s impact on the Civil Rights Movement is complex and continues to be debated

End of Innocence:

  • The brutal realities of the televised war shattered America’s sense of innocence and idealism, leaving a lasting mark on American culture
  • The war’s portrayal in popular media and literature further cemented its impact on the American psyche
  • Journalist on the scene could write what was happening there:
    • describes the horror
    • Picture → The Napalm Girl :
    • Picture of a young vietnamese girl that tries to escape the bombing of napalm → image of atrocities
    • The public opinion in the US shifted drastically
    • didn’t want to continue the war


The Vietnam War’s legacy is complex and continues to be debated. However, its impact on American society, politics, and foreign policy is undeniable.

  • The war led to deep social divisions and political unrest
  • It reshaped American foreign policy and military strategy
  • It left a lasting mark on American culture and the national psyche
  • The Vietnam War’s impact on the United States is profound and enduring, shaping the nation’s trajectory for decades to come.
  • The war’s legacy serves as a reminder of the complexities and costs of armed conflict, urging us to strive for a more peaceful and prosperous future.

Oral Plan:


  • Clear thesis statement: The Vietnam War significantly impacted the United States in various aspects.
  • Brief context about the Vietnam War.
  • Plan: Introduction, three strong arguments, and conclusion.


Argument 1: Socio-political Impact
    Introduction to how the war affected American society and politics.
    Development of the argument highlighting social divisions, anti-war movements, and political ramifications.
    Link to the thesis: Demonstrates the profound societal and political repercussions of the war.

Argument 2: Economic Impact
    Introduction to the economic consequences of the Vietnam War.
    Development of the argument focusing on the financial strain, inflation, and long-term economic effects.
    Link to the thesis: Illustrates the significant economic burden borne by the U.S. as a result of the war.

Argument 3: Military and Strategic Impact
    Introduction to the impact of the war on the U.S. military and its strategic outlook.
    Development of the argument discussing casualties, military strategies, and geopolitical implications.
    Link to the thesis: Highlights the lasting military and strategic repercussions faced by the U.S.

Conclusion Summarize key points from each argument. Restate the thesis emphasizing the extent of the Vietnam War’s impact on the United States. Concluding remarks on the lasting legacy of the war.

Now, let’s proceed with the full text:

Oral Presentation: The Impact of the Vietnam War on the United States


Ladies and gentlemen,

The Vietnam War, spanning from 1955 to 1975, left an indelible mark on the United States, influencing various aspects of its society, economy, and military strategy. Today, I aim to explore the extent to which this conflict impacted the United States in these key areas.

Firstly, let us delve into the socio-political impact of the Vietnam War.

Argument 1: Socio-political Impact

The Vietnam War ignited significant societal and political upheaval within the United States. The conflict led to deep divisions among the American populace, with a growing anti-war movement challenging the government’s policies. Protests, demonstrations, and civil unrest became prevalent as dissent against the war intensified. This era saw unprecedented levels of social activism, culminating in widespread public opposition to U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Moreover, the war’s aftermath reshaped American politics, influencing subsequent foreign policy decisions and fostering a sense of skepticism regarding military interventions.

Moving on, let us examine the economic repercussions of the Vietnam War.

Argument 2: Economic Impact

The Vietnam War imposed a substantial economic burden on the United States. The exorbitant costs of waging a prolonged conflict abroad strained the nation’s finances, leading to budget deficits and increased government spending. Furthermore, funding the war effort contributed to inflation and economic instability, exacerbating existing economic challenges. The long-term consequences of this financial strain were felt for years, impacting domestic policies and economic priorities. The Vietnam War stands as a stark reminder of the economic toll that armed conflict can exact on a nation.

Next, let us consider the military and strategic implications of the Vietnam War.

Argument 3: Military and Strategic Impact

The Vietnam War had profound effects on the U.S. military and its strategic outlook. The conflict resulted in significant casualties among American troops, highlighting the human cost of war. Moreover, the tactics employed and lessons learned during the Vietnam War reshaped military strategy, influencing subsequent conflicts and defense policies. Geopolitically, the war altered perceptions of U.S. military intervention and underscored the complexities of modern warfare. The Vietnam War marked a pivotal moment in American military history, leaving a lasting impact on defense planning and strategic decision-making.


In conclusion, the Vietnam War had far-reaching consequences for the United States, encompassing societal, economic, and military realms. The war precipitated social and political turbulence, strained the nation’s economy, and reshaped military strategy. Its legacy endures as a poignant reminder of the complexities and costs of armed conflict. As we reflect on the impact of the Vietnam War, let us strive to learn from its lessons and work towards a more peaceful and prosperous future.

Thank you.

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