For december 11



Mise-à-jour le 25 March 2024, moins d'une minute de lecture

Possible questions

To what extent did the new deal resolve the great depression ? To what extent was the soviet union responsible for the start of the cold war ?

Thesis : While the new deal helped the great depression by 3R, it’s success wasn’t complete

What : The new deal helped the great depression How : Relief, Recovery, Reform

Arguments :

  • The new deal really helped the great depression
  • But it wasn’t a complete success
    • Recovery plan was a success


  • Really include the context
  • We often provide a lot of details, but context is also essential
    • When we walk in the streets, do we look at our feets or do we look around
    • Understand the big picture, and the get into the content
  • Every argument must be accompanied by a link
    • The introduction of the argument is a link (from prev arg to next arg, and with thesis)
  • The link must be at the beginning
    • Putting the link at the end is the French method
  • Link must be at least in the intro (can add another one at the end)

To what extent was the soviet union responsible for the cold war

  • Context : end of WWII
  • There were already tensions
    • Tensions were put aside because they had to fight a common enemy
  • Context on both sides
  • Show how both contributed
  • Define communism
  • Define great depression
  • Defining other terms allow the examiner to bounce back
  • Rise of tensions
    • More and more weapons on each side
    • Marshal plan
      • USSR POV : Americans spreading their capitalism
    • Ameicans POV : USSR is taking over europe
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