Chap. 5: Geography



Mise-à-jour le 25 March 2024, 2 minutes de lecture


Summary :

I. Introduction to globalization, assertion of existing powers & the emergence of new actors with limitations/barriers


Wallerstein’s System Theory :
Core - Ex : USA, Europe, Japan
Semi-Periphery - Ex : China, India, Brazil
Periphery - Ex : Africa, South America

Globalisation Def: The increasing interconnectedness of the world economically, culturally, and politically. The current phase is developing out of internationalism

Geographers describe globalisation in general terms as the process by which places and environments becomre more :

  • Interconnected
  • Interdependent on one another
  • Deeply connected
  • Connected together in real-time as part of a shrinking world

Main Actors

  • TNCs
  • Governments
  • Supranational organisations

Primary industries

  • Farming
  • Fishing
  • Forestry
  • Mining
  • Example company : Total

Secondary industries

  • Anything coming out of an industry
  • Example company : Nike

Tertiary industries

  • Providing a service
  • Example company : Google, Uber

Quaternary industries

  • Research and development
  • Example company : Apple

Quinary industries

  • High level decision making
  • Example company : Apple, CEO of Ford, President…

Trade barriers

  • Tarrifs
  • Quotas

ICT : Information and Communication Technology

Positive Negative

Globalisation is a new chapter in a story

It has rapidly intensified since 1945


  • End of age of empires (independance for Africa and Asia)
  • Postwar settleent (IMF, World Bank, roots of WTO)
  • Container-shipping growth begins


  • Rise of Asian Tigers and deindustrialisatin of parts of core
  • OPEC price rise (off-shoring begins in earnest)
  • Financial deregulation and growth of money markets


  • Fall of Soviet Union, growth of BRIC economies
  • Trade bloc growth (NAFTA, EU), technology acceleration
  • Punctuated by further economic crises

Container ships

  • You could load the ships faster
  • The metal boxes protect goods from thefts and weather damages
  • Bigger ships

II. The US in globalization at 3 scales

3 scales :
Micro - Local - Ex : The school
Meso - National - Ex : France
Macro - Global - Ex : The world

III. 3 different illustrative examples at 3 scales

IV. QS on France at 3 scales

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