Chap. 6: Territorial Dynamics & tensions in Globalization



Mise-à-jour le 25 March 2024, 11 minutes de lecture

Territorial Dynamics, Cooperation & Tensions in Globalization


Introduction : What is Globalization ?

Globalization : The increasing interconnectedness of the world economically, culturally, and politically. The current phase is developing out of internationalism

This includes the increasing integration of :

  • Trade
  • Finance
  • People


Global Scale : The scale of the world, involving the entire world

Regional Scale : The scale of a region, involving a region

New International Division of Labor (NIDL) : The process where the assemblage of a product is split up into different parts, which are then outsourced to different regions

Importance of Trade : Trade is the most vital element in growth

Why has trade accelerated ?

  • Peace
  • GATT/WTO - average tariffs today are 1/10 of those in 1947
  • Technical, technological and structural changes (“transport & communication revolution”)
  • 80s => Reagan/Thatcher deregulation
  • 90s => Integration of USSR
  • Opening up of China & India

Trade Blocks

  • EU
  • NAFTA (1994) / USMCA (2020) Free Trade Agreement between USA, Canada, & Mexico
  • MERCOSUR (1991) Free Trade Agreement between Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, & Uruguay
  • ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)

I. Actors of Globalization

1.1 States

  • States finance development
    • Ex : Development of a port
  • Without the states, nothing would be happening
  • They are negociating and breaking down barriers

1.2 Transnational Corporations (TNCs)

  • Major role
  • Driving force in terms of foreign direct investment
  • They are the ones who are investing in other countries (Ex : They put their factories in those countries)

1.3 The other actors

  • World Bank, World Trade Organization
  • Capital flow
  • Mafia (Ex : Drug trafficking)

II. Globalization Flows

2.1 Population Flows

  • In 2020, 272 million migrants
    • Just over 3% of the world’s population
  • Migration from one country to another
  • Job opportunities
  • Requires larger airports
  • Internet networks (Transport & communication)

2.2 Intangible flows

  • Flows that we can’t touch
    • Ex : Capital flows
  • Capital flows
    • Ex : Money
  • Information flows
  • Remittences

2.3 Flows of goods

  • Container shipping
  • Maritime flows
  • Air transport

III. At the heart of globalization

3.1 Conditions for attractiveness

In order to be part of globalization, you need to be attractive. You must attract :

  • Money
  • Foreign direct investment

People don’t want to build a factory :

  • In a warzone
  • In a bankrupted zone
  • Where the internet network isn’t developped
  • Where there aren’t a lot of people (workforce)
  • Where the maritime zones aren’t present or developped
  • Where there’s no ressources

3.2 The driving forces of globalization

Territories must be a driving force of globalization

  • Must concentrate activities
  • Does it have newspaper, television, museums
  • Headquarters, offices

Impulse center

  • Territory which concentrates activities of command
  • Presence of political decisions maker
  • Economic commands
  • Ex : New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Paris La défense

Other driving forces

  • Medias : Television, newspapers
  • Newly Industrialised Countries
    • China, India, Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia…
    • More and more integrated in globalization
    • They capture globalization flows to recover or develop
    • Small countries : Triad countries
      • 80% of the world’s GDP
      • They concentrate the large majority of FDI
      • More free trade

3.3 Global Scale

Communication technology

  • Internet
  • Social networks
  • Mobile phones

Transport technology

  • Container shipping

Asian Tigers, AKA dragons

  • Hong Kong
  • Singapore
  • South Korea
  • Taiwan
  • Also NICs
  • Since the 90s, these countries have been developing at a high speed
  • We can measure the development with GDP per capita and the HDI
    • HDI : Mix different data, taking into consideration the life expectancy and education
    • HDI rated from 0 to 1, 1 being the highest
  • Gini coefficient : Measures the inequality of a country
    • 0 : Perfect equality
    • 1 : Perfect inequality

Territories at a global scale

  • Trade is always an advantage for a country
    • Countries can specialize in what they have the most capacities for
    • They can produce based on their ressources
    • Competitive advantage
    • Ex : There is no point for Norway to export Vanilla

3.4 Regional Scale

Regional maritime areas

  • 70% of the earth’s surface
  • Widely under explore
  • Very deep
  • 80% of human being in the world less than 100km from the coastline
  • World’s major cities are built around rivers
  • 25% of world’s production of oil and gas comes from offshore territories

Oceans are more a more a source of renewable energy

  • Offshore wind farms
  • Tidal energy (Energy generated by water)
  • Biological ressources

Jobs linked to ocean (around 1M)

  • Fishing
  • Cruise ships
  • Maintenance of underwater internet cables

Regional transport networks

  • Airports
  • High speed trains
  • Motorways
  • Maritime routes

Typical container ship

  • 400m long
  • 60m wide
  • 24m deep
  • 20 000 containers


  • Internet flows
    • 95% of internet flows are under water
  • Gaz pipelines
  • Electricity cables

3.5 Local Scale

Cities & global cities

  • Global cities are cities that are at the heart of globalization
  • Decision/impulse centers
  • Headquarters for TNCs
  • Majority of these global cities are located in the Triads (northern hemisphere)
  • Their influence goes beyond their borders
  • Relatively populated cities
  • Interconnectedness

IV. Territories integrating globalization

4.1 Global Scale

Territories are including globalization more locally

  • Ex : A city is integrating globalization

4.2 Regional Scale

4.3 Local Scale

V. Territories on the edge of globalization

5.1 Unequal integration in globalization

LDCs : Less Developped Countries

  • Mainly located in Africa
  • They are not integrated in globalization

Territories are never immune to globalization

  • Everyone is connecting everywhere in the world, but to a different extent
  • If you’re not a driver of globalization, “on se fait marcher dessus”

The stability of the country is important to be a driver of globalization

5.2 Unequal value of territories

Living conditions

  • Inequalities

5.3 The impact of globalization on societies

5.4 Global Scale

5.5 Regional Scale

5.6 Local Scale

Rivers are important routes for goods

  • Major cities are around rivers

Demographics of the United States

  • Population
  • Strong base up to 60/70yo
  • Population isn’t equally distributed
  • More people on the coasts
  • Less people in more isolated regions

People from the United States are moving to the south

  • Significant increase in Hispanic/Latino immigrants
    • ispanics cross the border between Mexico & the US

Inequality : USA

  • In 2020, 37 million people lived in Poverty USA. That means the poverty rate for 2020 was 11.4%
  • In 2021, 27 million people - or 8.3% of the population - did not have health insurance at any point during the year
  • Highest regional poverty in the South : Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi

The USA in the world - A complete power contributing to Globalization

  • A large and diverse population
  • A vaste territory and source of wealth (9M km^2 with Alaska and Hawaii)
  • A diverse territory that offers many possibilities
  • 3 large maritime seaboards
  • Rich sooil and subsoil
  • A territory under control

The US : A major global power

  • High GDP growth
  • In many ways : the only world’s superpower today
  • Soft power : Many people still look up at the US
  • Cultural influence in spread through soft power

Ths US : A hyperpower


  • Part of the Atlantic Magalopolis which concentrates 45M people
  • The core of the US along with LA
  • Symbol of American Power

The importance of US interfaces : The Eastern Seaboard

  • Near the sun belt
  • Major trade blocks
  • Lots of main harbors, mixed with the resources

Economic competition

  • The US is experiencing more and more economic competitors especially since 2007 - 2008, the effects of the economic crisis have been felt lastingly
  • The weight of the trading blocks in which the americans are part of is decreasing

A worldwide military and political power

  • The softpower and hardpower of the US are indicative of its full integration into the process of globalization
  • The policeman of the world
  • Global military presence
  • Political pressure
  • Membership and dominaion of political-military alliances dating from the Cold War
  • Their military spendings are above anyone else’s spendings

Geopolitical Rivalry

  • America’s strategic power is contested by China
  • In Europe, the United States must come to terms with provocations from Russia
  • Political failures in the Middle East
  • In the Middle East, American influence has weakened
  • However, the United States maintains strong points in the region. They have strong relations with Isreal

Cultural Challenge

  • Revolts against cultural and economic imperialism
  • The most powerful country in the world, renowned for being master in art of soft power
  • Inequalities of wealth is increasing
  • Certainly, the USA has one of the highest HDI

IV. US Regional Territorial Dynamics

Regional disparities : A territory on the move

  • The US is a country of contrasts
  • Empty spaces and densely populated areas
    • A wild west landscape
  • The Sun Belt : Miami sea front
    • Dense area
    • Lots of big cities in the north east
  • US territory is vast
    • 4th national area in the world
  • Undergoing massive changes
    • Gravitational centers (traditionally on the East Coast) are moving to the West Coast
    • From Sunbelt to Megalopolis of desert areas = a land of contrasts

The Northeast : Manufacturing Belt

  • Steel production
  • Photographic equipment
  • Engine production

The Northeast : The importance of Services

  • Banking + finance
  • Advertising
  • Media - TV/journalism
  • Scientific R+D
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